Debugging OpenAFS/Auristor Servers

vos move Debugging

When attempting vos move be sure to include the -verbose switch.

Set Debugging on Servers

To set the initial debug log level

       debug = XXX


       debug = XXXX

       debug = XXXX

To raise or lower the log level at runtime send the following signals to the process

Any server       TSTP        Any     Increases Debug level by a power
                                     of 5 -- 1,5,25,125, etc.
                                     This has the same effect as the
                                     -debug XXX command-line option.

Any Server       WINCH       Any     Resets Debug level to 0

Check for Outstanding Transactions

Display transactions using the command:

    vos status -server <server hostname>

Transaction can be ended using the command:

     cos endtrans -server <server hostname>

Check UBIK Status

Use udebug to check the status of the PT and VL servers

    udebug -server shelter-4 -long